

Darkroomers opens its doors to the public but you’ll have to become a member in order to participate in competitions, workshops, photo outings, and print critiques.

Becoming a Member is easy: Just bring a completed membership application to one of our meetings, pay your membership dues ($55), and sign your name indicating you will abide by our Bylaws.

Once you’ve joined you’ll have:

  • Access to the Photographic Arts Building
  • Access to all competitions including Critique night
  • Access to hang your accepted work in our gallery
  • Access to all SCACC member club workshops and events
  • and much much more…

As a member, you will have a few obligations to the club. We are a non-profit and rely solely on our members to volunteer for duties and activities.

As a member, you will be called upon to:

  • Host or co-host the building for our open house and various public events (3-4 times per year)
  • Clean the building (as part of a crew) two times per year
  • Bring snacks to club meetings (3-4 times per year)
  • Assist club officers and chairpersons when called upon

Members are also called upon to make decisions for the club, vote on various club changes, vote on constitutional changes or changes to our bylaws.