
2018 Interclub Oct-Nov

  • Mount Helix Sunrise (HM) by Angie Crompton
  • Abstract Surfer (Blue Ribbon Award Recipient) by Jeff Booher
  • North Ridge Lone Pine Peak (HM) by Michael Fairbanks
  • Walking in the Rain (HM) by Mike Packard
  • All Twisted (HM) by Osia Strasner
  • A Walk to the Ballpark (HM) by Tanya Solario
  • Crazee Eyes (Blue Ribbon Award Recipient) by Jeff Booher
  • Freesias (HM) by Joan Everds
  • Eye of the Storm (HM) by Osia Strasner
  • Frisbee Dog (HM) by Terri Thompson

October/November 2018 Scores

Judges were Eileen Mandell, Roy Toft, and Larry Vogel.


Mount Helix SunriseAngie Crompton24HM
The IkeDavid Poplawski21
Abstract SurferJeff Booher26AWD
Getty AbstractJudy Tillson23
North Ridge Lone Pine PeakMichael Fairbanks25HM
Walking in the RainMike Packard24HM
All TwistedOsia Strasner25HM
The TunnelOsia Strasner21
A Walk to the BallparkTanya Solario24HM
Heron in AutumnTerri Thompson23
Fall ColorsDavid Poplawski24
FlamingoDavid Poplawski23
Crazee EyesJeff Booher27AWD
FreesiasJoan Everds25HM
Surfing in TimeMichael Fairbanks24
Eye of the StormOsia Strasner26HM
The Finish LineOsia Strasner24
Gelado MonkeyRichard Strobel22
BridgeSharon Ritter22
Frisbee DogTerri Thompson25HM
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